Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I found this fabric...

Wait. I say that a lot!
(It's the addiction talking)

But really- it's a great brown. Sturdy, with a tiny bit of stretch to it. And it's only $2 a yard! I got enough to recover the brown velvet chair 'cause the cats have eaten the arms. I want to convince my darling hubby that I must have the money that should be spent elsewhere to buy enough to cover the sofas.

You see, I'd love to get rid of the plaid sofa & love-couch (as the kids call it).
I hate them. I know that’s a strong word, but I mean it! I'm thankful we have somewhere to sit... but I hate the plaid. It looks like we need a moose head hanging over the fireplace - and that's a decorating theme I just can't get into. Since buying a new sofa set is totally out of the question... and no one seems to be knocking down my door to give me one (even an old one that was not PLAID would do...) I guess I'll have to find a way to make do. I would even trade the one's I've got if you like the rustic cabin theme... they are Lane and in good shape. lol

This afternoon we are headed out to find a clothesline. The last attempt at this produced one that was about ten feet two short to string between any trees we've got. Talk about an exercise in frustration... you should have seen me running all over the yard with the damn thing, trying it between every tree I could find!

The weather has me feeling guilty every time I run the dryer, not to mention how hot the kitchen gets when I've got it going. Great in the winter... no so great now that the weather is so warm. Add to that I don’t even want to think what the electric bill will be once I give in to the south and turn on the air conditioner. *gasp*

Speaking of the south, I can’t forget to go pick Ken up from the airport tonight. The jerk got to spend the past week in Maine. Lucky dog.

*** edited to add ***

I am now the proud owner of nearly 20 yards of yummy brown fabric... and I'm currently working on covering the chair. It's almost done.

I did not, however, get the clothesline... some little girl was not working very quickly on her math and held up the errands. Oh well. There is always tomorrow...