Saturday, July 21, 2007

Train Up Your Children - Take 2...

So, I went to the curriculum fair.

It was lackluster.

I bought a lovely secondhand Tomie DePaola book of Bible stories that had pretty pictures.

I found the math curriculum that I want, but didn't have enough money to buy it... gonna try off eBay I guess.

And I spent nearly 3 hours there yesterday and just wanted to throw things the entire time.

Bravo to Gateway for not having the 'training' book out on their table, though they did have Ted Tripp, who's not much better. I hid it behind some other books.


But maybe it's cause those darned No Greater Joy people had their own frickin' table - cleverly disguised under another name, but selling nothing but their crap.

It took everything in me not to yell at them and throw things at their heads.

I come from very conservative roots. I have a pretty solid conservative education. I even impressed a lil' ol' independent baptist preacher in the bookstore the other day by finding him a good bible commentary that would explain some things in line w/ his world-view.

I'm not so much a conservative baptist anymore, but they don't really get to me as much as bad theology disguised as being 'real' Christianity (if you don't follow, go check out pelagianism and then take a really good look at NGJ's theology - it's NOT what they are selling it to be!).

Tell me what you believe up front. I may not agree, but we can still be friends.

Lie to me and you'll never get me to hear anything else from you - even if it may have a tiny spark of good in it.

There were crappy parenting books all over the place. I did see a measly two copies of good ones - but it just makes me SO upset to see the others everywhere. There are so many people who buy into that 'training' crap as a part of being a 'good Christian homeschooling family' - they take it part and parcel and don't even give a second thought to what they really should be doing for/with their kids. They just buy the party line and don't think for themselves as they create another generation of little robot-homeschool kids who will raise their kids the exact same way and wonder what is missing from their relationships.

Herein lies my most recent dilemma.

I am finding that I want to do things that would identify me with people I don't in any way want to be identified with.

I'm too conservative for the liberals. I'm too liberal for the conservatives. And it's becoming a pain the the butt...

Oh well. What does it really mater. I have the last Harry Potter (we went to the release party last night - fun!) and I'm almost halfway done...

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