Friday, June 22, 2007

It's far too quiet around here.

Bet you never thought I'd say that!

I guess this is what a house is like with no kids... Kater and Em have been at day camp all week, and they are leaving tonight for Florida with their dad and his family. Charley and Rory will be home for the weekend later today, but most of the time they are at their moms.

So, I must be getting all kinds of things done with them out from underfoot... right?


I'm lucky if I get anything done this past week!

Well... I do have a lot of time to read, and I've nearly finished re-writing the Nursery guidebook for VCF. My floors are pretty darn clean with nobody walking all over 'em in dirty shoes. The only thing in the sink is coffee cups. The cats are incredibly well fed. I check the fish tanks like 4 times a day. I obsess about little things. I watch re-runs of Big Love and thank my lucky stars that we don't 'share' - though I've got to tell you, a sister wife to deal with the housework and only the housework would rock.

Last night I had what I think was a migraine. I've never had one before that I can recall... but it felt like my head was in a vice, the lights were all way to bright, the cats were too loud, and I felt nauseous. I finally fell asleep and it was gone this morning.

Today has been better. I decided to sew. I don’t know why I take breaks from it... seriously, it’s like a mood-stabilizing drug for me. I get all out of whack and can’t figure out why... then I sew and everything is better. I think its the drone of the machine and the focused concentration. I pray a lot when I sew. It’s so meditative.

After seeing Stacy’s cool button-up-shirt-apron, I decided I had to have one.

Since Jme was not home to beg for a shirt, I found one of mine from the ‘give-away’ pile... a fantastic black linen thing that I bought at the thrift store and wore once before the sleeve fabric gave out. It is perfect. My camera is being fuzzy... but you get the idea.

I love the way the hem comes to curvey points... and the front waist is made with the collar folded and pressed down nice and neat.

It has a black elastic waistband, with a big chunky black button that slides into a loop...

I used a floral stitch to decorate it... though it doesn't show well in the photos, it's really pretty.

1 comment:

Friendstacy said...

nice! Now I'll have to make some more of those shirt-aprons!! :)