Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mini Me

Emily has been sewing a lot recently. She started with little projects in an embroidery hoop - note the bead patterns.

Last week, she and Kater decided that they wanted to design an outfit for Rory... needless to say, Rory will not be wearing it out of the house! But I've got to hand it to them - they did it all on their own and Rory thought it was fantastic! Kater has decided she's more into the design of items, rather then the actual construction...

I decided they were ready for a sewing machine - so we set up my cheap-o Singer from Wally-World and the fabric has been flying ever since! I was a little worried about tiny fingers getting sewn, but they are being amazingly careful and are taking it slow...

Emily gets this look on intense satisfaction when she's sewing. She looks how I feel when I sew...

Jme says that she sits like I do... perched on the edge of her chair, slightly to the side, leaning in towards the machine - it's like she was born to sew... she just knows how to do it! And she's so proud of her work!!


Anonymous said...

hi i just checked out your blog from the modest yahoo group...I have to say I love all your pictures and is that a little chihuahua I saw in your pictures? I wasn't sure if it was or if it was a cat...Im owned by 2 and my mother is owned by 4 chis and we just adore them....if it's not a chi or similar looking dog and it is a cat then I am in big trouble....

Friendstacy said...

very cool! It's almost scary how our kids are on the same wavelength all the time, isn't it? My girls have been sewing as much as I have here lately... but nothing as extravagant as a whole outfit for a human person!

Heather said...

It is indeed a chihuahua... he lives up the road. He ran away from home and was with us a month before his owners found him - he has come back twice (we got horribly attached to him).

Melody said...

Oh my gosh, that is so great! She's got the sweetest little setup. I'm jealous! My machine gravitates between the floor, the kitchen table and a high shelf, getting sticky and thread tangled in the process!lol Did she do the little patchwork all herself? It looks like she did a really fantastic job.