Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I should have known...

The Home-Schooling conference is this weekend and I was actually pretty excited to go.

I was even thinking about stopping in for a couple of the seminars they were offering. But I'm an informed shopper, and I always check people out before I waste my time listening to them try to brainwash me. And boy am I glad I checked out some of these folks.

See... I was kind of intrigued by this parenting seminar that was supposed to be all about getting to the heart of your child rather then focusing on their actions. Rather sounds like my kind of thought process for parenting...

Never mind though, 'cause the folks who are doing it are all in favor of spankings and deem them biblically mandated - yeah, not just an option, but a requirement.

Now, most of my friends know I'm an avid non-spanker. Period. I'm all about Gentle, Grace Based, Discipline. Its my job to teach my children to make good choices and guide them as they grow up. But I won't do it by instilling fear of beatings into them.

I know people who spank and we're still friends. I don't agree that they are doing the best thing for their kids, but there's nothing I can do about it - other then refusing to allow my bathroom to be used for beatings.

And the one thing I refuse to stomach is organizations who use their power to tell parents that GOD wants them to spank their naughty little children - and they are sinning if they don't.

So there go my top choices for the seminars at the CSTHEA Curriculum Fair.

Oh, I'm still going to the fair. I'll have fun looking at books with my little girls and being a freak.

Maybe I'll make a burka and see what all the denim-jumper mom's think? *giggle*

Or maybe I'll just make a few little hand outs to sneak into the books by those evil Pearls that I just know will be on Gateway's table like always. Maybe this year I'll be brave enough to pick a little fight about it...

1 comment:

Friendstacy said...


who needs love and respect, when you can have obedience through fear?