Several lovely hours were spent at the 4 Bridges Art Fest, where I saw some things that I wanted for my walls, but could make for far less then being charged. Seriously, it's a sad thing when I can put in a zipper better then somebody charging $15 for a little makeup bag! Guess I should do something about that.
We followed this up with a trip to the salvage store where we looked at old house parts. Very cool indeed.
I actually remembered the camera, and here are the things I found caught my eye..

And a little green 'cause it's been such a beautiful day...

I got about 20 minutes worth of a sofa nap, then met my friend Robin for a movie and coffee, since the guys had invaded the house for "men's poker night" - some are still here as I cloister myself in my room and blog...
I have a lot to say, but I have decided to take a vow of silence. Not a litteral one, but more in theory. So often I find myself wishing to make some sarcastic comment, wanting to let loose my tongue, wanting to say what doesn't need to be said, to use this little space as a place to let it all hang out there - simply for the sake of someone saying it. I'm not going to. I have decided that silence often speeks so much louder then anything I could say. Suffice to say that I am happy. Very happy. And I wish that everyone I knew was.
May you all find peace tonight...
1 comment:
"simply for the sake of someone saying it."
yeah, me too...
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